Sveetch's Github portfolio

This is Sveetch's profile page where you can find all the most recent and important released works on Github.

My Cookiecutter templates



Bireli is a Cookiecutter template for bootstrapping a Django project.

Cookiecutter for Django application

Cookiecutter for Django application

A Cookiecutter template to produce a Django application package.

Cookiecutter for Optimus with Bootstrap

Cookiecutter for Optimus with Bootstrap

A Cookiecutter template to produce an Optimus static site project with Bootstrap.

My applications

Project composer

Project composer

A convenient system to structure and compose applications from a modular project.



Export and import Django application data and media.

Django Blog Lotus

Django Blog Lotus

A Django weblog application with builtin multilingual content and some other features.

Emencia DjangoCMS blocks

Emencia DjangoCMS blocks

A set of DjangoCMS plugins for structured content in CMS pages.



This is a Python library to build a design styleguide from a CSS manifest file.



Optimus is a static site builder, it produces HTML from templates with assets management and supports i18n for translations.

Django smart media

Django smart media

A suit of tools to use a FileField to upload image with light SVG support.

Py Html Checker

Py Html Checker

Python wrapper around library Nu Html Checker (v.Nu) to check document validation either from a list of pages or a Sitemap.

Dependency comb

Dependency comb

Analyze Python requirements for lateness and activity.



Chicky is a tool to compute Blake2b checksums for files from a directory.